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When A Guy Jokes About Marrying You, What Does It Mean? (ANSWERED)

Your boyfriend joked about proposing to you and marrying and you are trying to figure out his true intent, to know if he is serious about marrying you or if he is joking for real, below are answers to this question and many other questions to guide you on what to do and how to go about his jokes about marriage, which include funny responses to jokes about marriage.

Do Guys Joke About Marriage?

Yes, guys joke about a lot of things which includes marriage. It’s not uncommon for guys to use humor as a way to express their interest in a woman or to test the waters of a potential relationship.
Again, guys love making jokes because it adds innumerable qualities to a relationship which include positivity, laughter, and ease, and helps both parties understand themselves better. Your boyfriend could be joking about marriage because it helps add lots of positivity and ease to his relationship with you, to help the communication keep flowing smoothly. The comedies, comic reliefs, laughter, smiling, and blushing all help conversation blossom effortlessly.

When A Guy Jokes About Marrying You, What Does It Mean?

1. To See If You Are Desperate:

When a guy jokes about proposing to you to marry, it’s likely he wants to see if you are desperate to get married. Where you take the joke seriously and become clingy, he concludes you are. You should avoid expressing desperation because it’s likely to put him off.

2. To Know If You Are Really Into Him:

He could be cracking funny jokes about proposing to marry you to ascertain if you love him too and want to marry him. He could be creating his plan on how to pop the big question and don’t know how you would react on hearing his proposal formally. Your smile and reaction would give him a green light to move on.

3. He Likes You:

The fact he like you is more than enough reason to joke about marrying you, whether or not he is ready to marry you. When he cracks big jokes like this, it tells that he is very comfortable with you and won’t even mind marrying you. And because he can’t tell such a joke to any of his female friends, you share a close, intimate, and special bond with him.

4. He Doesn’t Have The Courage To Ask Outrightly:

It’s probable he is deeply into you and ready to marry you but dreads the thought of asking you directly to marry him because he is scared of rejection. Your response and demeanor towards his jokes will help him make steps towards asking you directly. You should blame him for this approach if this is the case, he might have experienced a similar situation in the past.

5. He Is Joking For Real:

As I said earlier, people joke for different reasons, and comedies and comic relief help in a conversation. He could tell his funny jokes just to see you smile and blush again. He could be joking for real and have no intention to get married at the time. So, before you make any serious move regarding marriage, check out for signs to know if he is serious about marriage.

6. He’s Trying To Lighten The Mood:

If you’re having a serious conversation about the future of your relationship, he may be using humor to lighten the mood and ease any tension.

Signs He Will Marry You Though He Jokes About It

We have discussed the various reasons he could be joking about marriage and you want to check out for signs to know if he is serious about marriage, below are 8 signs he will marry you though he jokes about it:

1. He Plans The Future With You In It:

When he talks about the future or shares his dreams about the future, do you see yourself in the picture? Do you effortlessly see your space in his future and dreams? If yes, it’s a great sign he will marry you, though he jokes about it.

2. He Tends To Use We Instead Of I:

When he is fond of adding you and your interest to the big equation, it’s a sign he has decided not to live without you even though he jokes about it. When a guy is planning to settle with his queen, it’s natural to see him cater for her needs.

3. He Considers You In Making Big Decisions:

When he considers you, your values, beliefs, likes, and dislikes in making any big life decision, it’s a good sign he wants you to be with him even though he jokes about it. This decision includes a dream house, country to live, where to work, types of activity to engage in, etc.

4. He Introduces You To Important People In His Life:

Have you met an important person in his life and got wind of the fact that he always likes talking about you? It’s a good sign he places a high value on you. When your boyfriend values you this much, it’s very likely he wants to marry you.

5. He Talks About Wedding:

He jokes about marrying and in addition starts talking about weddings and planning the future with you in it, then something serious is up. Guys are not fond of talking about weddings and if he does so, he is serious about something.

6. He Talks About Children and Family:

When he talks about children and life as a married couple, he might not be joking for real. What you need to do is give the relationship some time, time reveals. And also take active steps to find out if he is serious about marrying you.

7. He Confides In You:

When you are the closest friend to him, and he does not mind sharing his vulnerabilities with you, it’s a sign he trusts you, and wouldn’t mind spending the rest of his life with you. When he then jokes about marrying you, it’s a joke you should consider seriously.

8. He’s Willing To Compromise:

If he’s willing to compromise on things like living arrangements, financial planning, or future goals, it could be a sign that he’s willing to work through the challenges that come with a long-term commitment.

Things You Should Not Do When He Jokes About Marrying You

1. Being Desperate:

The moment you get desperate about marrying him, you turn him off. He concludes you are clinging because of what you will gain from him. When he jokes about marrying you, keep your cool and keep on with your beautiful life till he gets serious about it.

2. Asking Him To Marry You:

He simply joked about marrying you and probably meant nothing serious, you shouldn’t take the move into your hands and ask him to marry you. He may be surprised by the rush.

3. Taking The Jokes And Marriage More Seriously:

After the jokes, you take him out on the date and begin seriously questioning on marital issues. To start making serious decisions for together forever is one of the wrongest moves you can make when your boyfriend jokes about marriage.

What You Should Do When He Jokes About Marrying You

1. Check Out For Signs To Know If He’s Serious:

We have discussed seven serious signs that would help you know he is serious about marrying you though he jokes about it. This is one important step you need to take which will help you know whether to take the joke seriously or not. Gauge his intentions to know if he is serious about wanting to marry you, or is he just joking around? Pay attention to his body language and tone of voice to see if he’s being playful or if he’s genuinely interested in the idea.

2. Spend More Time With Him:

When you spend more time with him, you give him a greater chance to express his innermost feeling. You may have so much more to say to you than just jokes. In other words, spending quality time with him is a good step.

3. Give A Funny Response:

To get the joke flow in a better direction, give a funny response to his jokes about marrying you. I would be sharing over 50 funny responses you can give to a joke about marriage.

4. Leave It A Joke Till He Gets Serious:

This is a smart move just in case you trying to see your reaction, because he will not see any reaction. Leaving the joke to be what it is and moving on to enjoy your friendship with him will get him to be more serious if he is serious about marrying you.

5. Don’t Shy Away From Being Expressive:

In response to his jokes you could ask a direct question to ascertain if he is serious with what he is saying. For instance,
You keep joking about marrying me, should I assume you are planning a proposal?
Your jokes are getting serious, should I take it to be a hint as to our future?

6. Take it as a compliment:

If you’re interested in him for a romantic relationship or marriage, take his joke as a compliment. Let him know that you appreciate his sense of humor and that you’re open to the idea of exploring your future together.

What Do You Say When A Guy Jokingly Asks You To Marry Him?

When a guy jokes about marriage,  what he mean?

Below are 50 funny responses to give to a guy that jokingly asks you to marry him:
Let me check my schedule first.
Please forward your application form to my personal assistant.
Will I marry you? How about you marry me instead?
Thanks for choosing me. You’ll receive a response in 3-4 working days.
B-But, I’m already married to our lord, Jesus
Only if you get me the ring from The Lord of the Rings
Hahaha! You just made my day with that joke.
Yeah, of course, I would marry me.
Could you ask me that again in 100 years?
But I’m only 7.
Let me consult my legal assistant first.
I have been married off already since I was one.
I’ve heard that marriage is a partnership, but I didn’t realize it was a partnership in crime until I got married.
Marriage is like a full-time job, except you don’t get paid, there’s no vacation time, and your boss is always around.
Sorry, I’m already in a committed relationship with my Netflix account.
I’d love to marry you, but my dog already proposed to me and I couldn’t say no.
Sure, I’ll marry you – if you can beat me in a game of Mario Kart.
Marriage? Sorry, I’m allergic to diamonds.
I’ll marry you on one condition – we have a unicorn as our ring-bearer😅.
Marriage? That’s cute. I’m too busy ruling the world.
I’ll consider marrying you if you can prove to me that you’re secretly a superhero.
I’ll marry you as long as we can have a Star Wars-themed wedding.
Sure, I’ll marry you – as long as our vows include a clause about never leaving the toilet seat up or down.
I’ll marry you if you can make me a meat pie that’s out of this world.
Marriage? Sorry, I’m saving myself for Ryan Reynolds.
I’ll consider marrying you if you can recite every line from ‘The Office’ by heart.
Sure, I’ll marry you – but only if we can have a pet llama at the wedding.
I’ll marry you if you can take me on a date that’s more exciting than a rollercoaster ride.
Marriage? Sorry, I’m already married to my bed and I don’t plan on divorcing anytime soon.
I’ll consider marrying you if you can survive a day in my shoes.
Sure, I’ll marry you – as long as our honeymoon is on the moon.
I’ll marry you if you can name all the planets in our solar system in alphabetical order.
Marriage? Sorry, I’m still waiting for my Hogwarts acceptance letter.
I’ll consider marrying you if you can make me laugh so hard that I snort milk out of my nose😅.
Sure, I’ll marry you – but only if we can have a Harry Potter-themed wedding.
I’ll marry you if you can take me on a date that’s more fun than a Disney World vacation.
Marriage? Sorry, I’m already committed to my career as a professional napper.
I’ll consider marrying you if you can make me a pancake that’s better than my mom’s.
Sure, I’ll marry you – if we can have a ‘Lord of the Rings’ marathon on our honeymoon.
I’ll marry you if you can make me feel as loved and special as my dog does.
Marriage? Sorry, I’m still trying to figure out how to adult.
I’ll consider marrying you if you can prove to me that aliens exist.
Sure, I’ll marry you – as long as we can have a ‘Game of Thrones’ wedding, but with a happy ending.
I’ll marry you if you can promise to never leave the toilet seat up again.
Sure, I’ll marry you – but only if we can have a wedding cake made of pizza.
I’ll consider marrying you if you can take me on a vacation to a galaxy far, far away.
Marriage? Sorry, I’m allergic to commitment.”
I’ll consider marrying you if you can solve a Rubik’s cube in under a minute.
Sure, I’ll marry you – if we can have a wedding on a deserted island.
Marriage? Sorry, I’m still waiting for my superhero powers to kick in.
Sure, I’ll marry you – but only if we can have a wedding with a dress made of pizza slices.”

Remember, these responses are meant to be light-hearted and humorous. Be sure to use them in the right context and tone, and always keep in mind the feelings of the person you’re speaking to.

Is It Maximum Of Flirting If A Guy Jokingly Asks You To Marry Him?

It depends. It’s possible that a guy who jokingly asks you to marry him is just flirting with you, but it really depends on the context of the joke and the nature of your relationship with him. Some guys may use jokes, and humour as a way of expressing their interest in you and test the waters of a potential relationship or marriage.

What If He Jokes About Marrying Me When He Is Drunk?

If a guy jokes about marrying you when he is drunk, it’s important to take his words with a grain of salt. When people are under the influence of alcohol, they can say things that they don’t necessarily mean or have a clear memory of saying later on. It’s possible that he was just joking around and didn’t mean anything serious by his words.


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Melody Merit

She is a romance writer, blogger and love expert. She believes the world would be a better place if divorce rate is reduced to the barest minimum and homes are of happier marriages. She enjoys reading, writing and helping people live a more fulfilled life. And one of her favorite quotes is, ''What is love if it isn't for the bad times too?''.

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