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20+ Appreciation Paragraph For Her(Copy and Paste)

Appreciation has been named one of the keys to a happy and healthy marriage or relationship. Whatever is appreciated appreciates. Appreciating your partner helps them live happier. Below are appreciation paragraphs that sought to help you praise your partner for their outstanding prowess and to specially appreciate certain virtues in them that you have found amazing in many indescribable ways. These appreciation paragraphs will put a smile on your partner and help them see that you see all they do and you do not take them for granted. To put a smile on your partner’s face in appreciation, below are over 20 appreciation paragraphs copy and paste to help:



20+ Appreciation Paragraph For Her(Copy and Paste)

Appreciation paragraph for her

#1. My queen, what more can I liken you unto? You do things that make me think out loud. My friends can tell how happier I have become since you came into my life. Am grateful for all your selfless love. And I will always love you, my angel, and forever will I treat you like a queen. 


#2. Before I met you, I had a picture of the kind of woman I would love to be with, a woman I could look at and call mine. Guess what, when I met you my list was all checked. I thought it was impossible to find all I wanted in a lady. Little did I know there was a sweet lady with something more. You have more of everything I desired. You have been so amazing and have wondered sometimes if I deserve a queen like you. I am grateful for all you do for me, and for all you do for us. I love you and will always love you.  


3. I used to think that the stars are the cutest shining stars till I saw your eyes of love and affection. I feel for them. I fell for you. They make me feel so different that I can’t help but love and cherish you so dearly. I have sought words to describe how beautiful your eyes are. Sometimes I think of them as glittering diamond charms. I know I am loved and enchanted each time I look into your eyes. I am writing these to adore you, and to appreciate you for how you care about us; how you put us first on the list, and take out your time to make me feel so special. I love you so much, my one and only. 


4. Sometimes, I wonder how I have lived all my life without you, without your loving kindness. I keep wondering. You have such an amazing quality that perfectly matches mine. And you keep working to bring out the best in me. I love you so dearly with everything in me. Thank you for being so sweet and amazing in indescribable ways. 


5. I have had a taste of honey, jam, sugar, and your pure love and I must confess that your love is the strongest and the most beautiful. Your kiss is an example of what I am saying. Your kiss always tells me that you love me so much and it shows me how affectionate you are towards me. Your pure love is a true description of an enchantment. Thank you for getting me entangled in all of these. I love you, my queen, my cherry.


6. Let me be the first to tell you that your spell got me. Your smile touches me where nothing else does. I always feel indebted whenever I see all your beautiful shows of love and affection toward me. You have your way of making me say, ‘I have got to hold her forever’. And your way is the way of true love. Thank you for showing me what true love is for you are love. 



Appreciation Paragraph For Wife or  girlfriend To Make Her Smile

Appreciation paragraph for her

#7. I’ve been falling and I keep falling in love with you. You keep doing what you do and you keep me enchanted. Let me say this again, ‘I love you so dearly and you will always be my number one’. Your feminity and prowess bring out the king in me. I feel completely loved by you. I will always choose you again and again because you reveal the jewel in me. Thank you for all you do for me, for us. I will always love you ma cherry. 


#8. May I call you ‘Ma Cherry’?  Life has been beautiful with you, with all your fruity colors. Each time I remember you, I remember an angel with an irresistible personality. Thank you for being you. You are a woman of her word, and I appreciate you for that. I will always love and cherish you, my queen. 


#9. I have known you for some time and I must say, you are one of the finest God created. Your words are always soothing and your wisdom is divine. Thank you for every single beautiful thing you do for me. From the text messages to the gifts to the surprises and all the joy you bring to my heart, I am grateful and I appreciate you for that. Thank you my fine wine and my woman.


#10. I must say that I am blessed to have you. You are a big plus to me. Your sweetheart makes me call you my sweetheart. Thank you for your inspiration all these times. I appreciate your support, love, and affection. I love you so much and will always love you. 


#11. This romantic affair with you seems like a romantic affair with a queen because you have your special way of treating me like a king. You have been someone I can trust, and someone I am free with, with whom I am not under pressure to become someone else. Your sincerity and love are so special that it makes my world a better place. Thank you my darling for all the selfless effort you graciously make towards me always. I appreciate you.


#12. If being kind, lovely, charming, and romantic was a crime, you will be duly charged, tried, and convicted before a court of law, and be seriously dealt with following the law. You are so kind and caring that sometimes, I don’t even talk about it openly to avoid some persons being so jealous. Even behind my back, you go extreme miles to make me happy. Thank you for all you do for me, honey. I love you so much, and I am grateful.



10+ Deep Emotional Love Letters For Him Copy and Paste



Appreciation Paragraph For Wife/Girlfriend With Emoji (Copy and Paste)

20+ Appreciation Paragraph For Her (Copy and Paste)

#13. Hello, I have been searching for the wifey my hotspot is connected to. Thank goodness, I’ve found you. I found you and found love💗. I have been with you and have come to know what true love is. I see it in all you do, your words, and in your actions. Thank you, my dearest🌼. You are the epitome of pure love❤.


#14. Your whisper into my ear, your kiss, your hug, your presence, and everything about you is so beautiful❤, for they take my breath away. Thank goodness I have life insurance. I’m in awe at the kind of personality you have. You have a refined personality, not a type that can be seen anywhere💯. Thank you for being so amazing. I love you so much😘, and guess what, there’s nothing you can do about it🤭. 


#15. If I were a candle, you’d be my fire, because you turn me on. You set me ablaze🔥.  Cold nights with you are always warm. Your vibes are romantic and your kiss leaves me wanting more, in passion and desire. You’re my woman, my hot mama, for you make me feel like a man. Thank you for your desire to always see me satisfied. I love you so much💗, my love. 


#16. The first day I saw you I said, “She’s hot”. Then when I got to know you, I said, ” She’s hotter”. Could you please lower your hotness, because it’s causing global warming🤭❤? Not only are you gorgeous on the outside, but you are also a rare gem on the inside. I love you so much, I love the woman I see in you, I love this woman that loves me without reservations. Thank you for loving me the way you do.


#17. I am writing this to thank you for being completely different from the perception I used to hold about ladies. You are so sweet, understanding, and caring. I can beat my chest and tell someone that good women still exist. I have seen one. I have one🤭. And I love you so so much❤.


#18. The way you pamper me makes me want to ask, ‘Is this for real?’ This love is unbreakable. Thank you for your gifts of love, the surprises, the cakes, and the kisses, I love you so much 😘. I feel so loved and humbled by these. I’m happy to stand by your side and to be called your own. You are my treasure, and I adore you. 


200+ Love Letter Closings: See Romantic and Unique Love Letter Endings



Paragraphs To Express Appreciation/Gratitude To Girlfriend/Wife 

Appreciation paragraph for her

#19. Hottie, you better have a license cos you’re driving me crazy. Ever since I got more intimate with you, it’s been on brand new gear. Your emotional and unemotional affection gets to me, and I know I’m dealing with a compassionate human when we sit to talk together and plan. You are always considerate, putting my happiness first on the list, I am grateful. I will never take your acts of love for granted. I love you so much, my darling.


#20. I thought I knew what falling in love meant till I fell for you. You are so irresistible. I fell in love with you without trying or thinking about it, or considering it. It was so real, natural, and effortless. Your confidence is like my trigger. You can’t count how many things go through my mind when I see you smile. It’s like a charm and I’m like, ‘Wow, look at my queen. Thank you for being real. Thank you for being so sweet. Thank you for being so amazing. You made my romantic affair with you a beautiful love story. 


#21. Sweetheart, I’d like to say thank you for being the woman of his word and being faithful to the relationship. I have always wanted to be with someone who would not want to always suspect, and you are that person. In your words, I find sincerity and in your lifestyle, I find faithfulness. Thank you for us as one number. You will always be my one and only.  


#22. If I were to choose, I will choose you again and again. If it’s not you, it’s not anyone. Permit me to express my gratitude and affection to you without reservation. For your love, support, affection, compassion, respect, loyalty, humility, kindness, gifts, kisses, and romance I say thank you, darling. I love you and will always love you dearly.


20 Love Letters To Someone You Just Met Online

Melody Merit

She is a romance writer, blogger and love expert. She believes the world would be a better place if divorce rate is reduced to the barest minimum and homes are of happier marriages. She enjoys reading, writing and helping people live a more fulfilled life. And one of her favorite quotes is, ''What is love if it isn't for the bad times too?''.

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