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20+ Apology Paragraphs for him/her Copy and Paste

Have you quarreled with your partner and kept searching for the right words to use to appeal to him/her for their forgiveness? Below are over 20 apology paragraphs that could help save your relationship or marriage and help you both move on.

#1. Apology Paragraphs/ I am sorry Paragraph for him/her:

Apology Paragraphs and I am sorry Paragraphs for him/her

My love,

The last time we had a misunderstanding, it was solely because each of us refused to consider the other’s opinions. I am so sorry for how I made you feel. I am willing to consider all you want against mine. I only ask for one thing, consider all I said too. Let’s pull forces together and create a beautiful future. I will always love you, my darling.


#2. Apology Paragraphs and I am sorry Paragraphs for him/her

My love,

Because of our relationship, certain expectations are on me and you, and we have been working with our abilities to meet up with the expectation. Just (yesterday) was the expectation on me to treat you with love and respect but I didn’t meet up with the expectation. I shouldn’t be giving this excuse but instead, I should be meeting up to my expectations. I am sorry, my one and only. I love you so much and wouldn’t want to hurt you. Please flash me, if my apology is accepted. My heart will be so filled with joy to see your call. Thank you my darling.


#3. Apology Paragraphs and I am sorry paragraphs for him/her

My love, 

I feel so heartbroken at the way you feel. I know you feel so bad about what happened, and it makes me feel worse. If I could go back in time, I would right all my wrongs just to see you smile again. I owe you a remedy for this pain. You can sanction me the way you want because I deserve it. I won’t complain because I shouldn’t have treated you the way I did. I am so sorry my love.


#4. Apology Paragraphs and I am sorry Paragraphs for him/her

My love,

Should we be standing before a court of law, I would have no defense for what I did to you. I would be found guilty and be seriously dealt with. I have loved you and I still love you so dearly. Give me a chance to express this pure love of mine to you. If I don’t get this chance, how will I show you the depth of love I have for you? Darling, I am so sorry for all that has happened. I look forward to your lovely response that will give me a heart rest. I love you.


#5. Apology Paragraphs and I am sorry Paragraphs for him/her

Apology Paragraphs and I am sorry Paragraphs for him/her

I keep memories of every sweet moment we shared because they bring smiles to my face. You bring joy to my heart. I hated that we fought. I am not blaming anything however, I believe that with a great understanding of ourselves, we would move forward in building this relationship and our future together. Nevertheless, I apologize for how bad I made you feel. I will always do my best to see that you are happy, we are happy and our world is great. I love you so much.


#6. Apology Paragraphs and I am sorry Paragraphs for him/her

How could I sleep soundly tonight knowing that you are still very angry with me? I have been thinking of ways I can redress this wrong I have done to you. If you choose to walk away, I will be the one losing someone precious. And I don’t want to lose you. You have been the one behind my smile all these while. I have gone so far with you, and I am not ready to turn back. I have found rest in you, darling. I long to see you again with your irresistible smile and hug you. My love, please forgive me. 


#7. Apology Paragraphs and I am sorry paragraphs for him/her

My love,

I have so much I want to do with you. I desire to do life with someone like you. You have a sweet soul. If you chose to move on, I won’t hold it against you. But I ask that you reconsider all we have done together. I know there have been ups and downs, days we laughed, cried, fought, etc, but we can look away from our imperfections and achieve more great things together. Please forgive me, sweetheart. I love you so much and I look forward to your favorable response. 


#8. Apology Paragraphs and I am sorry paragraphs for him/her

What I can do for love is crazy. I haven’t been myself all these while we’ve had issues. I never knew it would be this bad on me. I am sorry darling. I am willing to make any necessary amends just to see you smile. Just tell me exactly what to do to make you happy. Sweetheart, I am happier when you are happy. I love you so much and will always love you, my everything.


#9. Apology Paragraphs and I am sorry paragraphs for him/her

My love, 

You have loved me unconditionally and undeservingly. You have treated me so sweetly and there was a chance for me to show you how grateful I am but I didn’t. Your kind of person is so rare to find. That’s why I wouldn’t mind giving up precious things just to have you. I love you so much and I am so sorry for what happened.


#10. Apology Paragraphs and I am sorry paragraphs for him/her

Apology Paragraphs and I am sorry Paragraphs for him/her

My love, 

It hurt me that we had this fight. There are things I wish never happened, and this is one of them. Am so sorry. I believe in love, I believe love works. I plead, let’s do this thing called love again.


#11. Apology Paragraphs and I am sorry paragraphs for him/her

My love,

Ever since we have been apart, I began to understand why we are made for each other. I tried to get back to what I used to do and it feels the same anymore. Please, forgive me, sweetheart. Because many things are beautiful when we are together.


#12. Apology Paragraphs and I am sorry paragraphs for him/her

My Dearest one,

Am so sorry we had to go through this. Each time I think about all we have been through, the good times and the bad, I smile because they make up stories we are going to tell. I plead with you to accept my apology and give me another chance to make our story good and beautiful only.


#13. Apology Paragraphs and I am sorry Paragraphs for him/her

My emotions were out of the box, I admit. I shouldn’t have said certain things the way I said them. I love you, and will always do. I am willing to build an amazing future with you and walk through life with your hand. My one and only, I am sorry.


#14. Apology Paragraphs and I am sorry Paragraphs for him/her

Apology Paragraphs and I am sorry Paragraphs for him/her

My love, 

Each time I remember the beautiful moments we’ve shared, it hurts me the more that we had this fight. Am so sorry. The fight was avoidable. We could have made do with other options like sitting down and talking things out. This is exactly what we are going to do just in case we have any issues at all, instead of using a harsh tone against each other. I love you so much and I miss you. 


#15. Apology Paragraphs and I am sorry Paragraphs for him/her

I find it so meaningless that we had to fight. I would have said something nice. I would have told you that I believed in you. I would have told you I didn’t want us apart for any reason. I am so sorry my love. After work tomorrow, I will be going to the cafe. I will sit and wait till the cafe is closed for the day. For I desire to see your beautiful face again. If my apology is accepted, I plead you come by. This will mean the world to me. I want us to start afresh beautifully.


#16. Apology Paragraphs and I am sorry Paragraphs for him/her

My heart has sanctioned me more than a million times for causing you this hurt. We have been apart and I have been starved of the beautiful and priceless person you have been. They say, “Two are better than one.” I have realized that I am better with you. I love you so much and I’m so sorry for all that has happened.


#17. Apology Paragraphs and I am sorry Paragraphs for him/her

When we started, I never foresaw we would fight like this. I would have prepared to avoid it by all means. For it is of no advantage we fought. You had a perfect understanding, and I had a perfect understanding, but we couldn’t perfectly merge the two and a misunderstanding arose. Am so sorry for putting you through this, my love.


#18. Apology Paragraphs and I am sorry Paragraphs for him/her

If I should wish for a thing now, I would wish we are together and ever stronger to walk through life undefeatable. I chose you cause I saw so much vision with you. I felt all-powerful with you. May I call you my recharger because you recharge my vibes? Am so sorry for all I have put you through. I desire to hold your hands again and keep winning through life.


#19. Apology Paragraphs and I am sorry Paragraphs for him/her

Apology Paragraphs and I am sorry Paragraphs for him/her

More than the bright morning, you shine so irresistibly. No wonder I couldn’t ignore you. Though we fought, I can’t avoid you. If I have another option, I will still choose you. My decision to be with you isn’t because I don’t have any options but because we are made for each other and we are perfect together. I’m so sorry, my love.


#20. Apology Paragraphs and I am sorry Paragraphs for him/her

Ever since I knew that true love was real, I have searched for you. When I found you, I rejoiced like one that found a great treasure. If you decide to walk away, I will be the one losing. I have cherished you and I’m so sorry for what you have been through. I am willing to make our next phase even more beautiful. I plead you give me a chance to do that.


#21. Apology Paragraphs and I am sorry Paragraphs for him/her

Apologies may not be sufficient to restore all that has been lost. Words may fail me but I will try. In my heart, there is always room for you. Even if you say no to my plea, I still love and will always love you because you are irreplaceable. I know I will never find another as you and I have always cherished you for that. I am so sorry my love. From within, I will always adore you specially and differently. 


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5 Points to Note When Writing an Apology Letter 

Apology Paragraphs and I am sorry Paragraphs for him/her

a. Explain what happened from your point of view.

b. Give reasons for your actions however vague.

c. Apologize, accepting your responsibility.

d. Don’t send in an apology when your partner is still very angry. Allow the issue to be a bit stale, and give your partner some space to get over it before you send in your apology.

e. Be sure you are not being gaslighted to accept the fact that the blame is on you alone. If the blame is not to be on you, explain in the letter your reasons.


Melody Merit

She is a romance writer, blogger and love expert. She believes the world would be a better place if divorce rate is reduced to the barest minimum and homes are of happier marriages. She enjoys reading, writing and helping people live a more fulfilled life. And one of her favorite quotes is, ''What is love if it isn't for the bad times too?''.

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